Supper Church


At Heirloom, Supper Church is an opportunity to live out our calling of connecting to God, self, others, and creation. Residents and pastors take responsibility for cooking the main dish and offering the content for reflection and discussion. Everyone is welcome - really, everyone! We are often joined by friends, co-workers, family, and people we meet out and about. Guests come from various religious backgrounds, genders, ages, sexualities, abilities, races, and ethnicities and we hope all can find a place of belonging at our table. We start setting up at 5, and aim to begin at 5:30pm.

When and Where

Every Sunday at 5:30pm except for Fifth Sundays. We meet outside on the front lawn in warmer weather, and inside on the sunporch when it’s too cold or rainy,

What to Expect

Before the meal, we open by singing the Doxology, an ancient song of praise. You can watch this video to learn the tune. We use a version of the lyrics that replace “Him” with “God” to acknowledge that God is neither male nor female. We do retain the classic Trinitarian format of “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Then a community member or pastor offers a Scripture reading and brief reflection.

We offer a prayer over the elements (bread and grape juice) then we pass the elements around the table. Then we continue the meal around the table. One of our community members provides the main dish, but feel free to bring a side or dessert.

We believe that the simple practice of sharing a meal is a sacred act. We believe breaking bread and sharing stories can move us toward deeper compassion, deeper spiritual growth, and deeper connection. We believe sitting at the table with our neighbors is a simple and beautiful way to find community. We follow Jesus, who offered radical hospitality and love as he shared the table with people from all walks of life.